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What do you mean, either or?
Build a healthy company ànd a build a better world.


Our services

what can we do for you?
Anker 1

Sustar Business Compass

The Sustar business compass offers the right tools at the right time and ensures that sustainability is embedded in your innovation roadmap

(Circular) Strategy consulting

Do you want to get started with innovation, Circular design, CSRD and/or sustainability?

Don't know where to start or
Do you simply not get around to it?

We'll help you get started.

Keynotes and trainings

Sustar has over 10 years of experience in giving keynotes and training
CxOs, product managers, marketers and project leaders in the field of innovation management, product management and circular design.

We do this in-house or in open training sessions



3 reasons

why we advise our customers
to make sustainability and circularity a standard part of every innovation process

Our planet

How can we take our responsibility to leave a world that is livable for future generations?

Business opportunities

Business opportunities

By regarding waste as a raw material, you prepare yourself as a company for a
future where raw materials are becoming increasingly scarce.
Save mney and build tomorrows competitive advantage today.

License to operate

Pressure from the government, customers, NGOs and investors to woek i n a moire sustainable way is increasing rapidly 
Failure to comply with this will sooner or later put you out of action.


Practical navigators to sustainable business

Sustar helps companies find and implement sustainable value propositions. We see sustainable
entrepreneurship not only as a necessity but also as an opportunity. Together with our customers we navigate step by step towards a circular economy.

​Our background as industrial designers helps us create sustainable opportunities without losing sight of business interests. Our knowledge and experience with both product development and marketing ensures that new ideas are actually introduced. And in turn contribute to growth and a better world.


Joint experience


Years of experience in strategic marketing, product development and sustainable innovation


Companies we helped to develop and realize sustainable value propositions.


Professionals, professors and students trained
at home and abroad



Not three but four pillars when designing a sustainable value proposition

'Design thinking' teaches us that every product and/or service (we call this the 'value proposition') rests on three pillars:

Needs ('desirable')
What need do we meet for whom?

Solutions ('feasible')
What is our offer (in line with these needs)? What products and/or services do we provide?

Business ('viable')
How do we organize and finance this?

If one of these three pillars is missing, a product or service has no sustainable right to exist already today.
However, given the ecological and social challenges we face today, three pillars appear to be insufficient for a future-proof company.

That's why we add a fourth pillar to your value proposition:

Impact ('sustainable')
What does it cost the world? And how does it contribute to a liveable world?


Many projects start with a focus on just 1 or 2 pillars. Often, specifications and features are defined in detail, but there is no clear answer to the question: "Who cares? and why?"

Or we see a sustainable plan without substantiation of feasibility and scalability.

This often leads to delays, additional costs, and at best moderately successful market introductions.

The Sustar Business Compass makes blind spots visible from start of your project and offers a carefully selected set simple tools to fill them in.


Avoid confusion.
Build a feasible, commercially attractive and therefore scalable value proposition that will benefit both your organisation ànd the world.

Step by step approach

Strategy without pragmatic execution is pie in the sky.

We do not build grandiose high-rise visions or vistas.

Step by step, with our eyes on the future, but with our feet firmly on the ground, we navigate together with you towards a profitable and future-proof company.

We have bundled our knowledge and practical experience into a number of training courses for professionals and a handy set of tools: the Sustar Business Canvas


Sustar Business Compass

Work faster

By focusing sharply on 4 pillars from the start of your innovation project, you avoid blind spots, unnecessary, time-consuming and frustrating iterations in your development process.


Save costs
Smart experiments and an efficient process in the early phase help you to structurally reduce innovation costs.


Increase commercial success
Recognize blind spots. Start your project with a clear, balanced view of the 4 key innovation pillars.


Make your organization future-proof
By integrating sustainability goals from start of your project, alongside commercial and organizational ambitions, you build a future-proof company.

Make Circular


Globally, we destroy not less than 94(!) of the 100.8 gigatons of material we use each year.
This is a huge design flaw in products and systems.

By structurally including the 'end of life' of materials and products in your decision criteria, you retain value and materials.

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“Thanks to a short but inspiring workshop by Sustar, the team quickly saw how sustainability can offer opportunities for Ambiance”

Frank van de Linden

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