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Sustar heeft een leuke aanbieding! 🚀 Tijdens de Week van de Circulaire Economie hebben we onze workshop "Van Circulaire kans naar Circulaire waardepropositie" gegeven. Naar aanleiding van de ethousiaste reacties en de vraag om verdieping hebben besloten een 2-daagse workshop te organiseren waarin we dieper ingana op onze SVP (Sustainable Value proposition) methode. We zullen ingana op jullie bedrijfspecifieke uitdagingen en we laten zien hoe onze toolset daarvoor in te zetten is.

Waarom meedoen? Hier zijn een paar redenen:

  • Praktisch Leren: Hoe werkt onze toolset voor jullie specifieke casus.

  • Op Maat Gemaakt Advies: Ontvang persoonlijke begeleiding van ons bij het integreren van jullie duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen in je nieuwe waardeproposities

  • Netwerkmogelijkheden: Verbind met gelijkgestemde professionals en bevorder potentiële samenwerkingen.

De plekken zijn beperkt, dus neem nu contact op om je plek te reseveren! 🌿✨

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Product and marketing management in the decade of sustainability

Thu, 31 Aug


Zoom (you will receive a link after registration)

Practical tools for building circular value propositions that make your customers, your company but also the world happy.

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Product and marketing management in the decade of sustainability
Product and marketing management in the decade of sustainability

Time & Location

31 Aug 2023, 15:30 – 17:00

Zoom (you will receive a link after registration)


About the event

Until a few years ago, the assignment to product and marketing managers was clear and unambiguous: build and market products and services that we can sell more of and/or earn more from. Point.

Nowadays the world around us is a little more complex (and therefore, in our opinion, a lot more interesting...)

In addition to making money, it is inevitable to pay attention to 'sustainability'. With the advent of CSRD, this need will accelerate enormously. Circular products and services will play a crucial role in this. But why? And what does 'sustainability' and 'circularity' actually mean?

What can you, as a product or marketing manager, do with this in your daily work (without losing sight of turnover and profit)? How do you use and communicate the steps you make, but avoid vague claims and greenwashing?

The good new is: Opportunities galore. Right now.

Sustar organizes a knowledge session for a small group of professionals in which:

  • we provide a number of practical tools that you can use today to increase your impact.
  • You get to know and can spar with other product and marketing managers who are also dealing with the subject of sustainability in their company?

Do you work as a product or marketing manager/CMO and are you interested in how you can use sustainability and circularity as an opportunity for your company?


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